Welcome a New year with new perspectIve

Welcoming 2021…

With gratitude for every step that got me here...standing on the bridge between who I’ve been and who I’m becoming.

Wanda’s painting is the perfect image to share with this post.....


...Building bridges

...Building community

...Building connections

Bridging our visions with our passions.

Last year was the most transformative experience for the entire world. Not just one community or one country, but all of humanity was touched by change in some way.

Changing our vision of what is and what was......changing our direction towards what’s important and spending more time in the present moment.

These are natural challenges of an artist....a creative through any medium.

We, who create, are familiar with change, redirection and embracing presence.

These 3 things help us deepen our practice and express wholeheartedly through our chosen creative medium.

Moving into this new year, I’m pondering one question....

How will we choose to take our 2020 experiences into the new year?

With gratitude?

With self awareness?

With regret?

With understanding?

With passion?

With curiosity?

With fear?

With release?

With judgement?

With fresh perspective?

How has 2020 impacted our creative spirit?

How have we changed?

What do we stand for?

When we stand for something....our expressions become powerful statements of who we truly are....not just pretty paintings or witty songs. We inspire ourselves and others by expressing how we feel.

We, as creatives, express the world as we see it. There is no greater reason to create.


What inspires you to create?

What does your creative spirit empower you to express?

How will that inspire your creations in 2021?

I choose to move into 2020 with fresh perspective and a renewed passion for connection.



We will drum in 2022!!


Podcast with Nicole Christine